October 5, 2009

Georgia is Jack's constant companion. They agree to be separated for only brief and necessary intervals-- school, sunday school, choir. At most other waking hours they are near each other. Georgia is a loyal friend. When Jack had a round of vaccinations last week it was Georgia that also "agreed" to have a "pokey," too. (Georgia came home from that trip with a Spiderman sticker and a bandaid. Jack chatters to Georgia, scolds Georgia, cuddles Georgia, and (occasionally) blames Georgia. Neither of us can recall exactly when Georgia came into our lives-- he was in the bin of stuffed friends for a long time before he was singled out with the honor of being Jack's best friend. I've scoured the notebooks I used to be so good at keeping-- the ones that listed the kind things that people did for and the presents given to Jack... but nothing pops out. We've come to think that Georgia just wandered in on his own. It's all good. He's a good bear to have around.
Georgia as photographed by Jack in May, 2009

Georgia is Jack’s constant companion. They agree to be separated for only brief and necessary intervals– school, sunday school, choir. At most other waking hours they are near each other. Georgia is a loyal friend. When Jack had a round of vaccinations last week it was Georgia that also “agreed” to have a “pokey,” too. (Georgia came home from that trip with a Spiderman sticker and a bandaid. Jack chatters to Georgia, scolds Georgia, cuddles Georgia, and (occasionally) blames Georgia. Neither of us can recall exactly when Georgia came into our lives– he was in the bin of stuffed friends for a long time before he was singled out with the honor of being Jack’s best friend. I’ve scoured the notebooks I used to be so good at keeping– the ones that listed the kind things that people did for and the presents given to Jack… but nothing pops out. We’ve come to think that Georgia just wandered in on his own. It’s all good. He’s a good bear to have around.

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